welcome 2021!

we heartily welcome a new growing season and the passing of 2020. hoping everyone has fared as well as can be.

all the seeds are finally ordered. (anyone who has tried to order seeds this year knows how crazy it has been with backorders, limited ordering times and delayed shipments.) i’m still waiting for some deliveries, but all the early varieties are here and planting has begun!

there are a few new varieties – tomatoes: super lakota and fred’s tie-dye slicers; piennelo del vesuvio, and hungarian italian pastes; honeydrop, ember, currant and ildi cherries. herbs: boneset,  mexican mint marigold, plum shiso. flowers: new poppy and larkspur colors, laceflower, and more zinnias. anything i’ve discontinued is gone from the list. items with an X weren’t available this year but will be back next year.

the ordering process will be like last year – with the addition of a link to the order form on the website. with so many choices it is just too cumbersome to build an order cart. i will be accepting orders beginning march 20 (happy spring!) feel free to email me with questions.

moving out to the greenhouse as soon as the nights are over 25 degrees!

have fun garden-planning and stay well everyone…see you soon!

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