cool crops are ready!

soft opening this weekend (april 27-28) noon to 3:00!

we have lots of greens (lettuce mixes, arugula, endives and escaroles), broccoli, cauliflower, cabbages, brussels sprouts, kales, leeks, scallions, shallots and artichokes! all ready to go in the ground. warmer crops are growing nicely in the greenhouse and are available but you’ll have to protect them until the weather is safer for planting, possibly another month.

many of our perennials are ready for planting out now. we’re growing many natives for rewilding your yard and attracting beneficial critters.

and we’re planting lots of summer flowers this week! we have zinnias, dahlias and celosia from floret flowers– their own stunning varieties. also marigolds from the nearby kirk estate in altamont. as well as all the other types listed on our plant list!

starting next week we will be open by chance or appt mon, tues, fri. if you’re in the area, look for the open sign.

or call or text (texting is better, i can’t always answer the phone!) to check if i’m here. 518-269-1434

happy planting!!

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