spring? 2014…
April 13, 2015 Uncategorized

Originally Posted on March 10, 2014 at 1:35 PM

as this year’s plantings get started, i’m looking out at a foot of snow with more on the way in a couple of days! but, never fear…little seedlings are germinating in the greenhouse!

new for this year i’m starting a bunch more native wildflowers from a little group out in minnesota…prairie moon nursery ( they’ve got lots of seeds for restoring native habitats, many of which are native here in the northeast. top priority – monarch butterflies are in need of milkweed…so i’ve got lots of swamp milkweed started.

we’ll be at the markets in a couple of months and open at the greenhouse before you know it! meanwhile, lots to grow…onions and parsley are out in the main greenhouse, pepper and eggplant seeds go in this week, brassicas, then tomatoes next…i’ll be updating the list in the coming weeks as well.

here’s hoping for some springy weather coming up soon!

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