ordering update
April 14, 2020 Plant Care

please be patient while we are updating our site to be able to order on line! with so many different varieties it is a little confusing. i hope to translate the pricing and 6-pack mixing to be easily understood. don’t hesitate to shoot us an email if you have questions or would like to order cold crops before the online ordering is available.

all the plants that have been started have been updated on the list. barring any disasters they will start to be be available for pick up beginning with the cold crops (early herbs, greens, onion family, brassica family, artichokes) april 22 (happy earth day!). warmer crops will be ready by mid-may (tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, celery, many flowers and herbs) to late may (squash and cukes, tender flowers and herbs). if you live close by and would like to make pick ups in stages as plants are ready, that is fine!

stay safe everyone!


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